During the 1960's when drugs were first entering popular western culture with the hippies
and the flower power revolution, they were viewed as "positive", "mind expanding", consciousness altering.
It sparked some incredible music, examinations of art, psychology, and altered many aspects of the world.
Now drugs are viewed by and large as negative and damaging. Like an alcohol addiction.
Mr. Gurdjieff said that drugs were used in schools to give a man a glimpse of what could be achieved
through long and prolonged work.
Drugs were administered in the older cultures to help a man on his
path to awaken, and sometimes they would be given to the population as perhaps a way of releasing
tension, let's say after a war, period of heavy planetary influences, of if it was perceived as a way of
raising the consciousness of the population.
However, it would have been strictly controlled, and carried out by trained priests and physicians who
had earned their understanding. Such a bad thing? Look at the world now. War on drugs?
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