Tuesday 24 April 2012

Kathleen Speeth

More of the interview with Kathleen Speeth:

Jeanne de Salzmann dances

Here is the part 1 to the Jeanne de Salzmann
clips: http://tiny.cc/cwuadw

Jeanne de Salzmann

Here is a video of Jeanne de Salzmann,
Gurdjieff's pupil speaking with clips of
students dancing.

Special interview

This is really a special interview
with Kathleen Riordan Speeth who knew
Gurdjieff as a child:

Saturday 14 April 2012


There is an Eastern saying,
Unless you are rubbed and polished
(suffer) , how will your lamp shine?


Kinder and gentler

Mr. Gurdjieff became kinder as he became older.
He was tough and fierce when he began to teach.
The years and suffering "smooth" one.

East to West

Mr. Gurdjieff arrived in the west, and from this one man,
a complete esoteric teaching was brought into the 
20th century. 

As if from another planet...

Mr. Gurdjieff based the scenario of his great book Beelzebub's tales,
on a space ship, his idea was to look at the life of man objectively,
as if from another planet.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

The Odyssey

Odysseus, the journey of the Odyssey,
is man's search for himself, but all he
seeks is his homeland. These are vastly
symbolic archetypal depictions.

The seeker

The searcher, the eternal image
from the Tarot, the fool, the seeker,
he who wanders in search of the truth.
It seems part of our journey is to leave home,  
Something in our nature, impels us to seek.

Something wrong

Many of the people who found Mr. Gurdjieff
in the first half of the last century,
were desperate for some kind of change,
they knew the life they were leading,
had something "wrong" going on.

Monday 9 April 2012

The way out...

Every person who has ever existed,
even going quite far back in time, has
held the possiblity of enlightenment.
The culture of each age, to a great extent,
seeks to drown this opportunity out.
Mr. Gurdjieff suggested that we observe
people, how they become lost in conversations,
things, we can also add the mass media in
this age, the celebrity and sports cultures,
politics, talent shows, the "news".
There is however, a way out.

The seed

A man or woman, contains the
seed of an enlightened being.
The question is, can they actualize
that possibility in this lifetime?

What does Easter symbolise?

What does Easter symbolise?
Here is one possibility:
Mr. Gurdjieff said that first a man
must awake to himself, the next stage
is that he "dies" to his old self, then
he is reborn at a new level of being,
as a new man. (Paraphrased).

Wednesday 4 April 2012

You need other people...

The Fourth Way is pursued along 
three lines, work for oneself, work
for others, and work for the group.


The teacher Rajneesh had interesting
things to say about Gurdjieff. Just before
he died, (we heard), he told his students
to find Gurdjieff groups to continue their

Why we are here...

When Mr.Gurdjieff played his harmonium,
the special music was designed to evoke 
the higher part of a person's emotional center.
Not just crowd emotions, or jokes, but 
emotionality with a deeper
reflective quality. A state more connected to
who we essentially are, and why we are here,
in this body, this life, on this planet.

Monday 2 April 2012

The celebrity culture we live in...

The celebrity culture we live in,
harvests the fine energy of millions
and millions of people.

How else may one grow...

How else may one grow but throughoneself and one's own efforts.

We seek...

We seek self mastery.