Mr.Ouspensky said that there are different levels of people alive on the planet.
We will paraphrase.
There are the great mass of people, who recur, they have children, raise their families,
they may be drafted into the army, there may be a few major events in their lives.
Political upheaval, perhaps a geographic cataclysm like an earthquake, or a flood.
They cultivate, and live the life of "normal" people. 9-5, etc, they live in "the mass".
There are people that have an effect on humanity, presidents, kings, celebrities,
famous people, artists. These could be people like Mozart, Picasso,
Bill Clinton, Obama, Ronald Reagan, Queen Elizabeth, Louis X!V of France, Bill Gates, Donald Trump,
people who start companies like Facebook, Google, Mohamed Ali the boxer, Martin Luther King.
They play a "big" role in life, we know who they are, they leave a legacy, millions of people know
about them, use their product, watch them on television, visit where they once lived, they have an effect on civilization.
They can make a speech or a decision, that can affect multitudes of people.MLK, "I have a dream" speech is world famous.
Picasso altered the course of modern art for example. They have a certain kind of perfection about them.
They have played this role before, it has been said of Mozart for example, that his manuscripts have minimal
corrections, in the movie "Amadeus", he describes composing as the music coming through his mind onto the paper.
They accomplish things fast, they have powerful energy. Mozart lived only into his thirties.
Alexander the Great built the largest empire of the then known world by the age of 26, by the age of 21, it is said that
Picasso was painting three pictures a day. The music that Jimi Hendrix is most famous for, was produced in about
three and half years, Van Gogh's whole career was about seven years, half of which was spent purely drawing.
In the last seventy days of his life, he painted a picture a day, it is estimated.
There are men who have an influence that is downright destructive, they live to conquer, dominate, destroy.
Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Stalin, Napoleon, Mussolini, men who care nothing of the suffering of others.
Napoleon said, "I can spend thirty thousand men a month". He could lose a thousand men a day in battle,
and not be perturbed by this apparently.
There are people who are descending through lifetimes, people who have self destructive or self damaging behaviour,
addicts, prostitutes, tramps, alcoholics, degenerate gamblers, people locked in criminal energies.
There are people who are evolving, people working their evolution through an accelerated pace, under the guidance
of a teacher, following a system of awakening, such as the Fourth Way.
It is all in balance, from the top, to the bottom.