Thursday 10 February 2011

The Gurdjieff Journal

TGJ: But why would he need an "explanation of the Sphinx"?

WPP: Exactly. The Rosetta Stone had been discovered and deciphered in the 1820s and every Egyptologist of that day (as well as most of this day) believed the Sphinx dated from the time of the Great Pyramid, about 2,750 B.C.E. So why does Gurdjieff need an "explanation"? Well, because that is what he saw on the map!

TGJ: Couldn't he have seen something else?

WPP: What else? The Sphinx is the primordial symbol of esoteric knowledge.

TGJ: Pre-sand Egypt. What are we talking about in terms of time?

WPP: The time was 7,500 B.C.E. and before. That was when Egypt was green. Later I came upon a video by John Anthony West, a member of the Gurdjieff Society in England, who believes that the Sphinx dated from pre-sand Egypt. He had read Sacred Science by René Schwaller de Lubicz, the great hermetic Egyptologist, in which de Lubicz says that the erosion we see on the Sphinx is not caused by wind or sand but water. West has done a lot of pioneering and innovative work with geologists to establish the true date of the Sphinx and is still carrying on the struggl

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