Thursday, 3 February 2011

Intute - Full record - Gurdjieff International Review

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Gurdjieff International Review



Gurdjieff International Review
Description: The Gurdjieff International Review is the website of a free full-text online journal dedicated to the study of the life and work of the Russian/Turkish philosopher Georges Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (1872-1949). In addition to archiving and reproducing the journal, the website also provides a database of information about Gurdjieff, his work and his pupils. There are introductory essays; a section listing Gurdjieff's aphorisms; thirty-five pupil biographies and a fully annotated bibliography of works by and about him. Gurdjieff's basic assertion was that although human beings are almost entirely mechanical their consciousness can be extended far beyond its present limits by studying and re-programming the machine. His exacting 'system', based on the esoteric knowledge he gained whilst wandering through central Asia between 1890 and 1910, is still taught in Gurdjieff groups worldwide and best explained, not in his own writings, but in the books of his most famous pupil P.D. Ouspensky (1878-1947).
Keywords - controlled: ; Ouspensky, Peter Demianovich, 1878-1947; Gurdjieff, Georges Ivanovitch, 1872-1949;
Keywords - uncontrolled: philosophy, twentieth century; philosophy, 20th century
Type: Bibliographic material; Biographical material; Journals - full-text; Research related resources; Reviews
Classification: Humanities > Philosophy > 20th century philosophy
Humanities > Philosophy > Philosophical systems
Resource creator: Loy, Gregory M. (Editor)
Resource creator: Loy, June S. (Editor)
Resource creator: LeLievre, Laura (Editor)
Country of origin: United States
Period: 19th Century; 20th Century (1900 - 1945); 20th Century (1946 - 1999); 1872-1949

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