Saturday, 19 February 2011

Ouspensky on Gurdjieff

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P. D. Ouspensky

"I have found the miracle"



"Suddenly he (Ouspensky) appeared at the table, showing an emotion that was very unusual for him, and without pausing for a formal 'Good morning' or even stopping to sit down he said, 'I think this time we've really found what we need! I must tell you all about it. I have found the Miracle!'

With Gurdjieff in

St. Petersburg and Paris

Anna Butkovsky-Hewitt



"I was in another room," said Ouspensky. "I heard Gurdjieff's voice speaking inside me. He told me something, something very important."

Ouspensky's eyes became glazed. He seemed to go into a trance. The zoubrovka perhaps - or the memory of Gurdjieff. Hoping to restart this intriguing conversation I piped up in my prissy English voice, "He must have been a very strange man, that Mr Gurdjieff."

Ouspensky gazed at me as if I had said something ridiculous.

"Strange! He was extraordinary! You cannot possibly imagine how extraordinary Gurdjieff was."

Warrior's Way

Robert de Ropp



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G. I. Gurdjieff

"He was extraordinary!"


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