Monday, 27 December 2010

Bennet Books Beryl Pogson

Beryl Pogson

See Books

Beryl Pogson (1895-1967) was a pupil of Dr. Maurice Nicoll for nineteen years and his secretary for fourteen years and was one of small group who lived with him and Mrs. Nicoll at the houses where The Work was carried on: Tyeponds, Birdlip, Quaremead and Great AmwellHouse.
Practical Work Teaching was always given. Beryl Pogson had a sense of urgency about The Work and an inner certainty of what she should do.
During the last ten years of her life she was taking as many as six Group meetings a week, and daily meetings during sessions at The Dicker, Sussex. These were quite informal lectures followed by questions, but quite often she would ask for a question at the beginning and a discussion would take its course from the question asked. She often made connections between The Work and sacred books, literature, plays and poetry as will be seen in these books. Her Work teaching was based on The Psychological Commentaries on the Teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff and P.D. Ouspensky by Maurice Nicoll, and of course, from G.I. Gurdjieff's and P.D. Ouspensky's own writings.

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