Sunday, 12 December 2010

Gurdjieff/4th Way Group Introductory Meeting This Coming Week - new york groups

Unknown to us, use at own risk.

Ever wondered just what the 4th Way 'work' really is or what it entails??

Have you been in a 4th Way group, but find yourself needing a more practical approach to Gurdjieff's ideas??

You've read the books, heard the 1st hand accounts, might know someone in the 'work'.......but does that help YOU to 'work' more effectively & practically???!!

We would like to cordially invite you to a series of FREE local meetings regarding the 4th Way/Gurdjieff teachings. These introductory talks will focus on the principles of G.I. Gurdjieff or what is commonly known as the "The 4th Way Work".

The aim of this group is to give folks a deep lasting impression of the methods, practical 'simple' exercises & most importantly, preparation on how to recognize when one has found the right group or group leader.

This group is NOT officially affiliated with the Gurdjieff Foundation. We are an introductory group which serves to prepare SERIOUS seekers for group Work in the Foundation, of which the leader of this group is officially an active member.

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