Saturday, 5 March 2011

Meetings With Remarkable Men: Gurdjieff | Watch Free Documentary Online

Self-observation brings man to the realization of the necessity of self-change. And in observing himself a man notices that self-observation itself brings about certain changes in his inner processes.

He begins to understand that self-observation is an instrument of self-change, a means of awakening.

In 1920, an unknown man appeared in Europe, having lived through some extraordinary experiences in the East; His name was Ivanovitch Gurdjieff. This is the story of his early years.

The film was made on location in the forbidding, rarely photographed mountains and deserts of the Afghanistan, and has been widely acclaimed for its unique visual beauty.

The essence of the knowledge that Mr. Gurdjieff found in his travels was that man is an unconscious being, and needs to come to a higher state, that is available, but only if one works. Everything that he did in his time in the west, was simply to infuse the esoterice tradition back into western society, before it dissappeared altogether in the east.

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