Thursday, 13 January 2011

The Gurdjieff Journal—Fourth Way Perspectives—Online Exchange—Ouspensky & The Big Creatures

e know that 'war', and 'politics', and 'economic life'—in a word, all those things about which one reads in the papers, and in which those big two-dimensional creatures called Nations and States live and move and have their being—we know that all this is one thing, but that the life of individual men and women is quite another thing, having no points of contact with the former, except when it does not allow the latter to live. We know now that the whole life of individual men and women is a struggle against these big creatures. We are able to understand without difficulty that a Nation is a creature standing on a far lower stage of development than individual men and women; it is about on the level of zoophytes, slowly moving in one direction or the other and consuming one another.

—P.D. Ouspensky
Letters from Russia

On this level, nations, government, all are very corrupte entities.

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