Saturday, 29 January 2011

Mr. Ouspensky: Transmission of knowledge.

Mr. Ouspensky was most likely intellectual rather than moving type.
This is not a bad thing, this was a strength for him, in the sense that he
was able to leave a body of work behind, the Fourth Way, In Search of the
Miraculous, Notes on the decision to work, Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution, and
also to inspire Rodney Collin, to write Theory of Celestial Influence.
Each teacher imparts his knowledge according to who he is.
Gurdjieff taught with food, wine, journeys, money, direct contact, when he realized
that he could not allow his teaching to shrivel on the vine if his life ended prematurely,
he realized he needed to write it all down, the best means of transmission for this age.

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