Monday, 4 April 2011

What in us is real.

Mr. Gurdjieff had complete control of his body.
In the work, we would call this "the machine".
It is the part of us that goes back to the earth at the end.
It is the tool that is used to awaken one, or through which
one crystallizes one's soul.
Every man has a germinating soul, some like hardened criminals
kill that possibility, they came into this life with the chances of
evolution, but through circumstances, hereditary, and upbringing.
That possibility was destroyed.
Mr. Gurdjieff said some people in life are just personality, their essence
has died.
Often people in positions of great power gain the world, and lose their soul.
Possibly, that striving for power was a compensation for suffering when a
This is why a conscious being, has compassion for all.

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